Retour Arrière / Back PageThe House and Neighbourhood

La maison - The House

The house we found is near the city centre, on the Seminary hill.
  (Click HERE for an aerial view)

It was built a decade ago, on a cobbled, and so very quiet, street, and we have for neighbour the park of the Seminary, twelve acres teeming with various birds and wildlife.

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The back of the house, seen from the park of the Seminary.

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Vue de Derrière - View from the Back
Le Parc du Séminaire - The Seminary Park

The park of the Seminary

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Since we moved in we have had from time to time to enter in the neighbour's grounds to do a bit of cleaning; otherwise, any amount of weeds, insects and animals would come into our garden.

As you can see, the local weeds are no joke.


Mauvaises herbes
Le Parc du Séminaire - The Seminary Park

We started with keeping the grass down; later we planted some trees, built a bench to enjoy the cool of the evening


and it started being quite nice, and now the children and the dogs just love to come there and play.


Mauvaises herbes

The dream would be to be able to buy the land we have cleared...




We have now bought the house next door and, even before we have exchanged titles, have started


Next Door
Next Door

to rebuild, open a few doors and windows into the party wall, and generally put everything in a condition our forefathers would have approved of.



Here is a view of the works, mid March, seen from the park...


Next Door
Next Door

and end of April, seen from the garden.



An artist's impression of the future aspect of the party wall, which was completely blind until we started work.


Impression d'artiste
Ver de terre

Finally, for those who enjoy zoology, here is the picture of an earthworm that came to light while we were digging for some foundations. Nice specimen, no ?


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One year later (April 2006), both gardens are in communication, giving grandiose vistas...



And after completely rebuilding the original hovel next door, we are now in the middle of building a Jesuitic ruin.


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MAISONE 03/05/06